Swatantrata Center

Advancing Choice and Opportunity

We believe in ideas that are particularly important for understanding and supporting the good society — a pluralistic society in which intellectual and economic progress is the norm, and where individuals flourish in a context of openness, voluntary and peaceful cooperation, and mutual respect.

Swatantrata Center for Human Flourishing Foundation (Swatantrata Center)  is a section 8 Non-for-profit company that registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India. 

Swatantrata Center Team atr Rajaji Memorial House (TamilaNadu)

Our Vision

Swatantrata Center envisions building a peaceful and prosperous society where every individual can lead
a Decent life with Dignity.

Our Mission

Swatantrata Center’s mission is
to Promote Ideas, Advocate Policies, and Empower People
to lift barriers to human flourishing.

Focus Areas

we believe that ideas within the classical liberal intellectual tradition are a driving force of well-being for all people. Swatantrata Center works to identifying fundamental Barriers to building decent life with Dignity and lifting socio-economic barriers through Liberal approaches Policy Education and advocacy. 

Economic Freedom

Economic liberty is the freedom to produce, trade, and consume any goods and services acquired without the use of force, fraud, theft, or government regulation. Only the Liberal market economy guarantees the citizens personal freedom, social peace, and high prosperity.

Civil liberties & Rule of law

Swatantrata Center works to improve people’s access to freedom and justice through increased respect for their civil and political rights and rule of law. the Center will act as a platform for dialogue, reasoning, and legal action to defend rule of law, promote competition, and secure individual freedom.


Decentralization will improve the quality of governance and access to participate in governance even for common people. While Decentralized governance will provide an opportunity for participatory democracy, It also improves innovation and effectiveness of Governance.

Policy Education

We provide opportunities to young people to Gain an understanding of Liberal approached Public policy and engaging and encourage, also, equip them with knowledge and the necessary tools to promote positive change in their Comunities.

Programs & Initiatives

we believe that ideas within the classical liberal intellectual tradition are a driving force of well-being for all people.

SwaCon : Annual Conference on Human Flourishing

SWACON has been the largest virtual liberty conference in India on Human Flourishing with the Theme of "Reclaiming Liberalism" hosted in 2020 with 35+ Libertarian champions across the world, which involved world-leading Think Tanks and various leading scholars, policy, and development experts, and entrepreneurs.

Policy Conclaves

The objective of the Conclave has been to reinvigorate the reforms to boost inclusive and sustainable growth. Swatantrata Policy Conclave (SPC) brought together expert speakers, thought leaders from multilateral organizations, civil society organizations, and the private sector to discuss a wide range of policy issues

Swatantrata Yatra

Working Globally and Living Locally, the Swatantrata team stepped forward to go an extra mile to connect the people across the country, not just in the ways of meeting and greeting but discovering the passion of liberty and free markets. Swatantrata Yatra started with a Campaign for Responsible Spending, Free Enterprise, and Decentralization. The Yatra took place in February and March.

Youth Parliament Program

Youth Parliament Program (YPP) an integral part of the Swatantrata Center from 2019 has created a platform for the Youth to speak up and make an impact on social change in the country. YPP initiative originally founded as an independent initiative to empower youth on various political and policy issues through debates and discussion forums.

Policy in Practice

Swatantrata center Inciting All Policy Enthusiasts And Young Leaders To Join Our New Initiative Of Policy In Practice Series Where We Pick Policies Of National Government And State Govt And Amylose Its Positive And Negative Impacts By Bringing Data-Based Policy Effects From Ground And Experts In Those Fields.

ronald rose with Raghavendar Askani from swatantrata center

Leadership Bootcamp

Leadership Bootcamp is 3 days residential boot camp on Policy education, Sustainable development Goals. The Bootcamp took place from Feb 21-23rd 2020 at VNRVJIET Institute Hyderabad which brought together 100+ delegates across the nation and hosted 30+ policy experts from various domains such as public policy, business, academia, non-profits, civil society movements, and media.

Civil Liberties Dialogues

Swatantrata Center will work to protect and expand civil rights and freedoms guaranteed to all by the Indian Constitution Constitution as well as international conventions and treaties. As part of Civil liberties Campaign , CLD Program aims to promote and protect civil liberties in India. aiming at promoting a compassionate and responsible approach towards protecting civil liberties and Building institutions for a strong rule of law through raising awareness about the importance of Civil Liberties and Rule of law. .

Liberty Affairs

Liberty Affairs is a video show that educates and provides Liberty-oriented commentary on current affairs and contemporary problems of India. Liberty Affairs show is hosted by Nalamotu Chakravarthy and Produced by Swatantrata Center in collaboration with Scube TV. Mainstream or Indian intellectuals circle has been always provided and explored single-sided views of solving many problems of today. We wanted to explore various views and solutions that might solve our problems more effectively.

Emerging leaders Program

The program prioritizes the discussion of the philosophy of liberty and its real-life implications through intense discussions and international travel. emerging leaders will conduct study tours in three regions: the Americas (Canada, U.S., and Latin America), Indo-Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and more) and Europe & the U.K. In each region, scholars will be equipped with an understanding of and an ability to convey classical liberal principles through seminars, events, skill-building exercises, and crash courses in liberalism, Austrian economics and the history of liberty,

SwaCast (Swatantrata Podcast)

SwaCast podcast is an audio experience on Ideas and politics that cause human flourishing. we will bring together various policies, development practitioners, and researchers to discuss the current problems. We are expecting to engage students, policy and development practitioners, entrepreneurs, academicians, and scholars.

What do we Believe

We believe that ideas within the classical liberal intellectual tradition are a driving force of well-being for all people.

Each of the principles and ideas we describe below has a rich intellectual tradition of its own that continues to develop. These brief descriptions are intended to serve as a starting point—an invitation to inquiry—that we hope will lead to deeper conversations.


Human Dignity

Human Dignity is the foundational principle that every person possesses dignity simply by virtue of the fact that they are human beings.


Individual Freedom

Individual Freedom is the default starting point classical liberals favor, as it leads to patterns of widespread human flourishing. 


Voluntary Action

Voluntary Action is the presumed standard for how we achieve what classical liberals take to be the social ideal: a society of mutual benefit based on peaceful cooperation. 


Toleration and Pluralism

Toleration and Pluralism are complementary principles that build upon one another toward a good society. This variant of toleration is put in service to defend freedoms of speech and expression. Classical liberals also point out that toleration tends to lead to pluralism


Spontaneous Order

Spontaneous Order is the idea that much of the order within society—widespread social coordination—arises not by virtue of human design, not by top-down rational control, but by bottom-up processes of trial, error, learning, and course correction. 


Peaceful solutions

Peaceful solutions are key to fostering a society in which individuals go about their daily affairs in a context of voluntary cooperation and in the absence of violence or war. classical liberals favor the free movement of capital and labor, people, goods, services, and ideas across borders,


Economic Freedom

Classical liberals tend to favor public policy grounded in the principle of economic freedom over policies grounded in the principle of economic control. Entrepreneurial discovery in the context of market prices is, in other words, an ecosystem that generates creative solutions.


intellectual humility.

A classical liberal understanding of the market economy, for example, recognizes that the knowledge required for complex social coordination is fundamentally dispersed across billions of market participants.


The Rule of Law

The Rule of Law is the principle that society must be governed by rules that apply, impartially and equally, to all people. The rule of law also serves as a constraint on state power.


Civil Society

Civil Society is the sphere of voluntary human action that exists between the individual and the state. Classical liberals recognize that the institutions that constitute civil society


Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression, which affords every person the right to voice his or her own opinion, fearlessly and publicly, ensures that no good idea goes unheard and that no bad idea goes unchallenged.



Justice in the classical liberal tradition is the principle that the individual rights of all must be respected. Justice requires that government respects the rights of the individual. 

Support us

Help us to advance Human Flourishing

Swatantrata center completely runs on Voluntary donations from private individuals and foundations. we don’t accept any grant/Funding from Government.