Partner with us

Swatantrata Center believes in the power of partnerships and collaborations that can bring greater values and effectiveness in achieving our goals. 

Join as a partner in advancing human flourishing 


  • We are looking to build solid value-based partnerships with student organizations,
    clubs, chapters, and youth organizations and companies. We wish to collaborate with these organizations such that we exemplify the youth engagement through our initiatives and events. We aim to empower young people such that they are able to identify their problems, voice them out, and take positive steps towards solving them. Through this program, we are reaching out to all the groups of young people, be it a university or school-based club, chapter, a youth-led organization, or a youth-led start-up, to join us in our dream of achieving a voice and place for the young people in our country’s development and decision-making.



  • Youth reach: Building a network of youth leaders consisting of student leaders heading student organizations such as clubs, chapters, youth organizations, and startups for enhanced sharing of outcomes and opportunities.

  • Youth assistance: Connecting young people with opportunities that could assist them in improving their quality of life through government support in terms of academics, careers, and interests.

  • Youth empowerment: Empowering the students and young professionals with tools and skills that help them identify the problems around them, voice their concerns out, and take steps towards solving these problems.

  • Youth awareness: Making more people aware of the awaited opportunities for them through student communities in schools and colleges.

Student organizations / Clubs / Chapters / Youth organizations:

  • Encourage participation in Swatantrata Center/YPP events and initiatives by their members for new opportunities in the fields of education, policy, youth engagement, and development

  • Publicity of major Center’s events and initiatives across social media platforms such as- Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

  • Sharing Center’s resources such as research papers, policy briefs, and future knowledge platforms with their members for empowering them with the realities of today while providing them meaningful life skills

  • Organizing one joint event at the very least every calendar year aimed at empowering the young members with skills deemed necessary for improving career and education prospects

  • Swatantrata Center

    • Creating opportunities for the members of student organizations to participate in and gain important skills

    • Prioritized inclusion into relevant initiatives and events by Swatantrata Center and its collaborations in the near future

    • Inclusion of the student organization onto our website partners page along with a social media link for publicity along with publicity for jointly organized events

    • Exclusive letter of recognition for working with Swatantrata Center and its partners such as Teach for India for significantly transforming the lives of young people

    • Access to exclusively closed social media groups such as on WhatsApp which connect leaders of various organizations on a unified platform for shared learnings, outcomes, and initiatives