Swatantrata Yatra

Swatantrata is committed to affecting positive change and building a peaceful and prosperous society. The Swatantrata Yatra objectives are to connect with the people and try understanding the policies of different states and strives to reinvigorate the reforms to boost inclusive and sustainable growth. Hoping for brighter futures, our social impact programs such as Swatantrata Yatra will strive to create a positive footprint in the country. Throughout the country, we will be discussing various themes such as Fiscal Responsibility, Free Enterprise & Entrepreneurship, and Decentralization & local Governance.

Swatantrata Yatra tends to provide a learning platform for the policy and development practitioners, entrepreneurs, academicians and scholars. With our policy and development discussions, we will provide an understanding of the public policy paradigm which will help in understanding the policy analysis and evaluations based on real-time situations to the aspiring change inducers.

Swatantrata Yatra started on 13th March and traveled across 4 states throughout India, touching on 5 Major cities; with an outreach of 5000+ people. The Swatantrata Yatra served as a launchpad for aspiring public leaders and policy enthusiasts. The Yatra helped to build inclusive and sustainable communities based on liberal principles.

Rajaji Memorial House , Tamilnadu, India

Swatantrata Yatra @Rajaji Memorial House

Our Journey begins from Rajaji Memorial House (RAJAJI, Indian Independence leader and Founder of Swatantra Party ) – Museum in Thorapalli, House, Tamil Nadu and continues throughout the country.

Many believe in the importance of leaders giving back to their communities, but that’s often easier said than done.
Seeking inspiration from Rajaji, Swatantrata team as part of Swatantrata Yatra visited Rajaji house.
In memory of the great freedom fighter and Visionary leader Rajaji, his house where Rajaji lived in Thorapalli, Hosur Taluk, Krishnagiri District is maintained as a Memorial House by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

C Rajagopalachari :

C Rajagopalachari, born on December 10, 1878, was a luminary in Indian politics, from participating in the freedom struggle – he was jailed for over two years in Vellore for joining the non-cooperation movement – to serving as the last Governor General of India and establishing the only liberal party in independent India, the Swatantra Party, in response to Nehruvian socialism. A man of principled politics, Rajaji, as he was popularly known, was affectionately described as “conscience keeper” by Mahatma Gandhi and shared a warm relationship with Jawaharlal Nehru despite ideological differences. The following essay was written by Rajaji on March 25, 1967, soon after the Swatantra Party emerged as the largest opposition party in the Lok Sabha election – its most striking achievement in an uneven career. In it, Rajaji presents the party’s mandate and considerations on political responsibility. More of his essays and speeches can be accessed at Indian Liberals, an open, multi-lingual digital archive committed to preserving liberal voices in the Indian public sphere.

Billboard Cafe - Kattigenahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Swatantrata Yatra at Bengaluru, Karnataka

Stepping forward to go an extra mile to connect the people across the country, not just in the ways of meeting and greeting but discovering the passion of liberty and free-markets; delivering amazing and innovative experiences of the liberty leaders and magic of free markets and good governance. Swatantrata in collaboration with South Asia Students For Liberty will be hosting Liberty Discussion on themes Entrepreneurship, Responsible Spending and Decentralization in Bangalore on Friday, 13th March 2020

Responsible Spending :

The nation’s economic future and fiscal responsibility are directly linked. There is a tie between budget deficits today and what society can enjoy tomorrow. Eliminating the deficit is an important first step. Indian political campaigns largely dominated by Populist Welfare schemes and were largely empty which required huge Budgets and State spending. Collecting huge amounts of taxes from productive areas such as business and wasting money on unproductive sectors in inefficient , Irresponsible and corrupt manner. these irresponsible spending habits and welfare schemes & practices not only wasting Taxpayers money but also negatively influencing and affecting people to be poor and unproductive. Tax payers are forcefully paying a huge price to satisfy these Irresponsible Spending habits of politicians and political parties

Indian Institute of Technology, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Swatantrata Yatra at Chennai, Tamilnadu

Swatantrata and South Asia Students for liberty (SASFL) organized Swatantrata Yatra at Indian institute of Technology Madras .
Chennai Smart city limited CEO Raj Cherubal (expert on decentralization and local governance )and Liberal expert Balakrishnan Chandhrasekharan presented their views and experiences on themes of the Swatantrata Yatra (Responsible spending , Free enterprise and Decentralization.

Decentralization & Local governance :
Decentralization is the transfer of authority from central to local government where local Government and communities can decide on issues that matters most. It also give greater efficacy in reducing Irresponsible spending habits and Populist welfare schemes Benefits of Decentralisation
• It gives greater voice and choice to citizens to influence decisions that affect theirlives.
• It allows local governments to respond dynamically to communities.
• It results in allocative efficiency by matching of local needs and preferences with patterns of local public expenditure (assumes substantial fiscal autonomy).

Audisankara Institute Gudur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Swatantrata Yatra at Gudur, Andhra Pradesh

Swatantrata hosted its speaker session on Fiscal Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and Decentralisation at Audisankara Institution in Guduru Andhra Pradesh. Swatantrata provided a learning platform to the students of the Audisankara Institution on policy and development discussions.
Swatantrata advances social change through policy education and grassroots advocacy guided by Ideas and policies of Swatantrata


Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise:
A society, whose citizens are not able to feed themselves, is not truly free. Therefore, We promotes economic liberty through an open market mechanism that is bound by laws that make sure that each actor has equal opportunity. This has been the greatest engine driving human prosperity. In India, economic liberalization has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. But the story has only begun as India achieves its rightful place on the world stage. Indian economy requires a culture of Admiring and promoting morality of value creation and enterprising. Indian entrepreneurs should be released from the burden of huge regulations and Higher forceful taxes and the burden of the Forceful sponsoring of Irresponsible, populist welfare spending

Padmavati Mahila University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

Swatantrata Yatra at Padmavati Mahila University, Andhra Prades

Swatantrata in collaboration with Garuda Foundation and Sri Padmavati Mahila University organised Swatantrata Yatra session on “Responsible Spending, Entrepreneurship and decentralization.
Swatantrata advances social change through policy education and grassroots advocacy guided by Ideas and policies of Swatantrata


Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise:
A society, whose citizens are not able to feed themselves, is not truly free. Therefore, We promotes economic liberty through an open market mechanism that is bound by laws that make sure that each actor has equal opportunity. This has been the greatest engine driving human prosperity. In India, economic liberalization has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. But the story has only begun as India achieves its rightful place on the world stage. Indian economy requires a culture of Admiring and promoting morality of value creation and enterprising. Indian entrepreneurs should be released from the burden of huge regulations and Higher forceful taxes and the burden of the Forceful sponsoring of Irresponsible, populist welfare spending

Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

Swatantrata Yatra at Tirupati, Andhra Prades

Round table conference with various organizations in Tirupati, Andra pradesh  organized Swatantrata Yatra session on “Responsible Spending.
Swatantrata advances social change through policy education and grassroots advocacy guided by Ideas and policies of Swatantrata

Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise:
A society, whose citizens are not able to feed themselves, is not truly free. Therefore, We promotes economic liberty through an open market mechanism that is bound by laws that make sure that each actor has equal opportunity. This has been the greatest engine driving human prosperity. In India, economic liberalization has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. But the story has only begun as India achieves its rightful place on the world stage. Indian economy requires a culture of Admiring and promoting morality of value creation and enterprising. Indian entrepreneurs should be released from the burden of huge regulations and Higher forceful taxes and the burden of the Forceful sponsoring of Irresponsible, populist welfare spending.