BR Shenoy Emerging leaders Program


It can be difficult to find informative and relevant educational opportunities for young, liberty-minded Indians. True education requires more than just a class or a textbook; it requires debate and conversations with colleagues and mentors, as well as hands-on experiences that cause students to engage with ideas that really matter. 

The program prioritizes the discussion of the philosophy of liberty and its real-life implications through intense discussions and international travel. emerging leaders will conduct study tours in three regions: the Americas (Canada, U.S., and Latin America), Indo-Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and more) and Europe & the U.K. In each region, scholars will be equipped with an understanding of and an ability to convey classical liberal principles through seminars, events, skill-building exercises, and crash courses in Austrian economics and the history of libertarianism.

Scholars will now have the ability to develop a deeper understanding with hands-on opportunities that will create a broader perspective about what it means to really be free. This education is vital for today’s youth, as universities and younger generations are more sympathetic to the arguments of collectivism and more government intervention.

Exceptional character leads to success

We encourage learning through hands-on experiences and a commitment to hard work. We believe in character, independent thinking and resilience.

Ignite the spirit of entrepreneurship

Learn the skills required to thrive in the business world by understanding the intersection of philosophy, economics and leadership.

Be a change-maker

Succeed in a rapidly changing world by travelling far and wide, meeting and networking with the best people across business, politics and academia.