The Leadership Boot Camp is a flagship project of Youth Parliament Program (YPP) and LBC is a crucial BootCamp that focuses on the three areas of – Policy Development, Sustainable Development Goals, and Technology. This program provides the like new generation with an understanding of contemporary reforms in the world and helps them grab the networking opportunities to facilitate knowledge-sharing, connections, and real-time action on these issues. What about you?
About BootCamp
The Leadership Boot Camp is a flagship project Youth Parliament Program (YPP) is a crucial program that focuses on the three areas of – Policy Development, Sustainable Development Goals and Technology. This series does offer a new opportunity for the youth to learn networking opportunities to facilitate knowledge – sharing, connections, and action beyond the conference. It’s a real time program that which helps people understand the world of international development and affairs through and exploration of key principles and practices across a wide range of national issues as well as high-level exchange of dialogue with important players in the field. The key idea is to lay a bridge between Youth/ Like Minded People to key players in the global reform platform
The Leadership Boot Camp will include a discussion on the proposed bill, general opinion & Suggestions from the members and then pass of a resolution with necessary changes. It will surely be an engaging & enriching session & worth your time!! Your presence will surely add value to the program the participants will be able to Educate and Develop – Learn the knowledge and skills necessary to address key sustainable development issues based on their specific track Connect and Engage – Join the dialogue and network with fellow delegates, leading organizations, and experts in their chosen field Act and Impact – Propose solutions and plans to drive action for sustainable development.
This was the first Leadership Camp in Hyderabad (India) which hosted 100+ delegates from across the nation and world. Bootcamp has been successful in bringing together like-minded youth to become key players in the global reform. The Bootcamp has been highly successful for Swatantrata to reach 500+ students, entrepreneurs, developers, and policy practitioners. Through our events, we were able to bring hundreds of students, entrepreneurs, and policy professionals together to discuss the most pressing policy and development issues. The Leadership Bootcamp was organized very successfully in association with the Council for transforming India and 100 Smiles foundation and supported by JD Foundation and Abhaya Foundation, VNR VJIET, and VNR Student force.
Quality Human Capital is the greatest strength of a Nation and identifying and nurturing Leadership with character and competence is the need of the hour. Young India is eager to make a difference and their energy is our greatest strength, all they need is exposure, mentorship, and guidance. We believe the role of the state in the 21st Century should be that of an enabler, facilitator and a catalyst by providing the right ecosystem for individuals and organizations to reach their full potential and at the same time it should continue to be a service provider to the vulnerable sections and its intervention should be to empower them in a real sense rather than perpetuating dependency.