SV Raju was one of India’s liberal giants, and his passing last year was a huge loss for the liberty movement in India. To honour his memory, and celebrate his commitment to creating a freer India, Centre for Civil Society, in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, have compiled a set of original papers from key liberal voices in India, on the past, present and future of Indian Liberalism. The papers have been published in the form of a Festschrift, on the theme Liberalism in India—highlighting the evolution of the ideas in our country, an analysis of the current context and the way forward.
Evolution: History of Indian Liberal Thought
Moderator: Deepak Lal
Participants: The Mind of the Indian Liberal :Hindol Sengupta
Gandhiji’s Dharma vs Nehruji’s Vikas Laveesh Bhandari
The Problem with Liberal Parties Jaithirth Rao
Liberty and Locus of Power J P Narayan
Execution: From Ideas to Practice
Moderator: Subhashis Gangopadhyay
Caste Reservations: Half Pregnant Constitution, Half Pregnant State Surjit Bhalla
Securing Safety Net: Sustenance, Self-Help and Selfhood Parth J Shah
Liberalism for Whom? Confessions of an incorrigible liberal Barun Mitra
PANEL 3 Revolution: The Way Forward for Indian Liberalism
Moderator: Ashish Dhawan
Worry about Opportunity, Not about Inequality Gurucharan Das
Why India Needs a New Constitution Atanu Dey
Religious and Cultural Freedom: Both too little and too much R Jagannathan
Liberty and Security in Radically Networked Societies: A challenge for every generation Nitin Pai