Youth Parliment Program (YPP-India)
The Youth Parliament Program is an initiative by Swatantrata which creates a platform for the Youth to speak up and make an impact on the change agenda for the country. To take on the policymakers and highlight the need for new thinking that will take the country forward. The Youth Parliament Program will be a debate between the best debaters and policymakers and opinion-makers. The platform will inspire the youth to express their views in an organized way. It will also allow for the emergence of bright future leaders.

YPP is an ideal platform for socially conscious youth to voice their “Views & Ideas” & act as a change agent in building the India of our Dreams!!
YPP Vision
Osmania University
Education is a powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. –
Nelson Mandela
First Youth Parliament Program Session at Osmania University, Hyderabad
However, this most powerful weapon is rusty in present generation. And the result is a decline in employability skills among the future generation of India. To protect our country from being hampered by this situation and to reach the goal of true education i.e. Intelligence plus character, Youth Parliament Program has taken its first step on 2nd October’16 at Osmania University, Hyderabad.
The session included discussion on the new education policy prepared by Foundation for Democratic Reforms under the leadership of Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan, founding president of Loksatta. Participation of inspiring organizations & individuals who have vast experience in the field of education allowed a scholarly discussion on the proposed bill and 25 new amendments were made.

Kakatiya University
Youth Parliament Program second session was conducted at Kakatiya University, Warangal on 23rd November’16.
This session emerged as an ideal platform for youth and school children to voice their views and ideas. Participation of inspiring organizations & individuals who have vast experience in the field of education allowed a scholarly discussion on the proposed bill and 40 new amendments were made.

Akshara Vanam
Youth Parliament Program conducted (children’s Parliament) with School Student. Third session was conducted at Akshara Vanam, Kalwakurthy on 12th November 2016.

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
“Demonetization- The Mantra to end Corruption and Black Money”
Youth Parliament Program conducted the fourth session Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan and K Ramachandra Murthy & Venkata Krishna interacted with participants of the Youth Parliament Program on 23rd of November, 2016 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Basheerbagh. The agenda for the session was “Black Money, Corruption, Tax Control and their Impact on Society”. Dr. JP recommended certain steps for better execution of the demonetization move, such as, introducing the Service Guarantee Act, reforming elections, bringing reforms in real estate, removal of 1000 top most corrupt high officials to prove as deterrence to the others, and finally re-introducing Smugglers & Foreign Exchange Manipulators Act, 1976 to curb the illegal transactions with foreign accounts. It was held in collaboration with knowledge partners – Foundation for Democratic Reforms.

Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Youth Parliament Program organized Youth Parliament – Discussions focused on finding solutions on “Agricultural Crisis & Farmer suicides”. It was held in collaboration with knowledge partners – Foundation for Democratic Reforms & Vision India Foundation. Panel: Jayaprakash Narayan, General secretary FDR, Ramanjaneyulu GV, Agricultural Scientist, Executive Director – (CSA), VattiVenkat, Former IT Professional, Farm 2 Fridge, General secretary (YPP) Raghavendar Ravi, PalleSrujana , Ekalavya Foundation Hyderabad Among other elite members as the panel. 2nd Feb 2017 at Tata Institute of Social Sciences | Hyderabad, Telangana. It was held in collaboration with knowledge partners – Foundation for Democratic Reforms & Vision India Foundation.

VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute
Youth Parliament Program and Saaradhi-Engineers leading Society organized Youth Parliament – Discussion on “Right to Service Guarantee Act” at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology. DrJayaprakash Narayan interacted with the participants on ‘How the Upcoming ‘Service Guarantee Act’ is going to ease common citizen’s life? What’s the role youth need to play equipping these instruments as a part of ‘Participatory Governance’?.It was held in collaboration with knowledge partners – Foundation for Democratic Reforms & Vision India Foundation.

Osmania University
Youth Parliament Program & Youth for better India conducted Women’s Parliament on Women Empowerment In India at Arts College, Osmania University on 3rd March, 2018

Osmania University
Youth Parliament Program organized Youth Parliament – Discussion on “Agricultural Crisis&Farmer suicides in india” It was held in collaboration with knowledge partners – Foundation for Democratic Reforms & Vision India Foundation.