The Free Markets Tutor

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How Venkateswarlu Geriti goes from college to college in India teaching the lesson of free markets.

Geriti says explaining the power of the markets is his mission.

A few years ago when Venkateswarlu Geriti when he studied at the liberal think-tank Centre for Civil Society, he says he realized that while everyone talked about India’s economic growth, on the ground, among ordinary people and especially students, there was little understanding about how that growth had been achieved.
‘I felt that many more people, especially students, should learn to appreciate the single most powerful change that is happening in their lives and careers — this is the only way we will get greater buy-in of economic reforms,’ says Geriti, whose India’s Future Foundation has run more than training courses in more than 40 colleges, impacting more than 5,000 students, in the last one year in and around the southern Indian states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
Many of the institutions where his team has run courses explaining the fundamentals of how markets work, why choice is good — from schools to political parties, and why entrepreneurship boosts innovation and prosperity in societies.
Explaining, say, the ideas of Friedrich Hayek in Hyderabad (where Geriti’s foundation is based) is not easy. ‘But increasingly we find that there are many takers for the idea that one should be job creators and not job seekers,’ he says. Geriti is also pursuing a business management course at the University of Parma in Italy.

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Swatantrata Center
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